Samco launches Smart Basket Order!

Hello everyone!

Here’s some exciting news! SAMCO has launched Basket Order :tada:

After months of work and research, we are excited to introduce Samco’s Smart Basket Orders - a reliable, intelligent, and distinctive addition to our platform. A feature developed to address two main challenges faced by our trading community

Problems our Traders were facing

  • Manual Sorting Hassle: Traders often spend valuable time rearranging orders for optimal margin use, risking missed opportunities

  • Order Rejection Frustrations: Despite having sufficient margins, orders can be rejected, leading to multiple retries for complete execution. This process is time-consuming and prone to errors

The Solution we are offering

  • Smart Margin Use: Our feature intelligently organizes orders to optimise margin usage, allowing you to focus on adding contracts without worrying about sequencing

  • One-by-One Execution: Orders are executed in the sequence you set, preventing unnecessary rejections and ensuring optimal margin usage

To know more about this feature in detail, you can check out our blog -

Do explore this new feature of ours and share your feedback. Our team here will be more than happy to help you with your feedback and queries :blush:

@Bhavya @Gaurav @rushabh.pokarna @Devesh @Vrushali


Good post.