Change in price in option and future chain

Hi team,
Is it possible to add one more field: “change in price” same as NSE option chain in Option Chain API and future chain API?

Thank you

Hi Prasad,

Thank you for your suggestion. We will be adding the “change in price” field to both the Option Chain API and Future Chain API as per your suggestion.

Thanks for your valuable feedback.


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Hi @Siddarsh ,
That’s great, thank you for considering.

Could you please update forum once it is available? Also any idea by when it will be available?

thanks a lot.

We will try our best to make it available as soon as possible. Once it’s ready, we’ll make sure to update the forum accordingly and keep you posted.

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By when can we expect it to be available?

Hi @atalkishore @prasadg ,
We have added it please check

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